Now showing items 1-10 of 20
SB-Index : um índice espacial baseado em bitmap para data warehouse geográfico
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC, 2009-08-26)
Geographic Data Warehouses (GDW) became one of the main technologies used in decision-making processes and spatial analysis since they provide the integration of Data Warehouses, On-Line Analytical Processing and Geographic ...
STB-index: um índice baseado em bitmap para data warehouse espaço-temporal
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC, 2012-12-13)
The growing concern with the support of the decision-making process has made companies to search technologies that support their decisions. The technology most widely used presently is the Data Warehouse (DW), which allows ...
Querying data warehouses efficiently using the Bitmap Join Index OLAP Tool
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2012)
Análise de desempenho de consultas OLAP espaçotemporais em função da ordem de processamento dos predicados convencional, espacial e temporal
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCCCâmpus São Carlos, 2016-03-08)
By providing ever-growing processing capabilities, many database technologies have been becoming important support tools to enterprises and institutions. The need to include (and control) new data types to the existing ...
The SB-index and the HSB-index: efficient indices for spatial data warehouses
Spatial data warehouses (SDWs) allow for spatial analysis together with analytical multidimensional queries over huge volumes of data. The challenge is to retrieve data related to ad hoc spatial query windows according to ...
Automatic interpretation of map visualizations with color-encoded scalar values from bitmap images
(Universidad Católica San PabloPE, 2019)
Análise de dados científicos baseada em algoritmos de indexação bitmap
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilInstituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de EngenhariaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Sistemas e ComputaçãoUFRJ, 2019)
A similarity-based data warehousing environment for medical images
(Pergamon/ElsevierOxford, 2015-11)
A core issue of the decision-making process in the medical field is to support the execution of analytical (OLAP) similarity queries over images in data warehousing environments. In this paper, we focus on this issue. We ...
Compresión de bases de datos métricas
(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2013-08)
Currently, most systems require information search by similarity in data repositories containing text and multimedia files. Using a model metric data base applications can query similarity on these repositories, through ...
Fully functional static and dynamic succinct trees
(ACM, 2014)
We propose new succinct representations of ordinal trees and match various space/time lower bounds. It is
known that any n-node static tree can be represented in 2n + o(n) bits so that a number of operations on
the tree ...