Now showing items 1-10 of 1826
Molecular tools and DNA barcoding for conservationMolecular tools and DNA barcoding for conservation
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2015)
Identifying high priority conservation areas for Patagonian wetlands biodiversity
(Springer, 2021-03)
Given the multiple stressors affecting freshwater ecosystems and the limited resources devoted to their management, effective conservation of freshwater biodiversity requires regional prioritization. Patagonian wetlands ...
Biodiversity potential of Nothofagus forests in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina): tool proposal for regional conservation planning
It is difficult to map and quantify biodiversity at landscape level in areas with low data availability, despite demand from decision-makers. We propose a methodology to determine potential biodiversity pattern using habitat ...
Can rural tourism stimulate biodiversity conservation and influence farmer's management decisions?
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2021-12)
The Pampean agroecosystems are oriented to providing a few Ecosystem Services (ES) with undesired consequences on the environment, particularly the loss of biodiversity and cultural ES. In this context, it is necessary to ...
Biocompatibility: a Criterion for ConservationBiocompatibility: a Criterion for Conservation
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 1998)
Conservación de la biodiversidad en el Darién a través del desarrollo comunitario sostenibleConservation of the biodiversity in the Darién through sustainable community development
(Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales Renovables (Panamá)Panamá Ministerio de Planificación y Política EconómicaUnited Nations Development Programme, 2022)
Assessing the performance of the existing and proposed network of marine protected areas to conserve marine biodiversity in Chile
(Elsevier, 2009-12)
The growing concern about the profound influence of human activities on marine ecosystems has been the driving force behind the creation of marine reserves in the last few decades. With almost 4200 km of coastline, Chile ...
Pollination in socio-agroecosystems: Recommendations to preserve the diversity of pollinators
(The Society of Plan Reproductive Biologists, 2020-01)
Pollinators play a crucial role in human well-being, as they contribute to pollination of many crops and influence plant reproduction and biodiversity conservation of native plants. There is a gradual disappearance of major ...