Now showing items 1-10 of 1125
Binary integer programming formulations for scheduling in market-driven foundries
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2010-10-01)
This paper describes the development and solution of binary integer formulations for production scheduling problems in market-driven foundries. This industrial sector is comprised of small and mid-sized companies with ...
Binary integer programming formulations for scheduling in market-driven foundries
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2010-10-01)
This paper describes the development and solution of binary integer formulations for production scheduling problems in market-driven foundries. This industrial sector is comprised of small and mid-sized companies with ...
A mixed-binary linear formulation for the distribution system expansion planning problem
This paper presents a mixed-binary linear programming formulation to solve the problem of radial distribution systems expansion planning. The proposed model considers the alternatives of repowering existing substations, ...
Effects of binary variables in mixed integer linear programming based unit commitment in large-scale electricity markets
(Elsevier Science SA, 2018-07)
Mixed integer linear programming is one of the main approaches used to solve unit commitment problems. Due to the computational complexity of unit commitment problems, several researches remark the benefits of using less ...
An efficient implementation of tabu search in feeder reconfiguration of distribution systems
This paper presents an efficient tabu search algorithm (TSA) to solve the problem of feeder reconfiguration of distribution systems. The main characteristics that make the proposed TSA particularly efficient are a) the way ...
Context-sensitive analysis without calling-context
Since Sharir and Pnueli, algorithms for context-sensitivity have been defined in terms of 'valid' paths in an interprocedural flow graph. The definition of valid paths requires atomic call and ret statements, and encapsulated ...
Binary integer programming formulations for scheduling in market-driven foundries
(Pergamon-Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2014)
A binary integer linear programming model for fault section estimation in electric power systems
A new method, based on binary integer programming, to solve the problem of fault section estimation in power systems is developed in this work. This optimization model is formulated based on a set of minimum covers, subject ...