Now showing items 1-10 of 33050
From Mach to Skinner: Science as a radical behaviorist understands itDe Mach a Skinner: A ciência como o behaviorista radical a compreende
There are two basic objectives of this paper: (a) to analyze the legacy of crucial assumptions of philosophy of science set forth by E. Mach and adopted by BF Skinner in his radical behaviorism to characterize science in ...
The logic of science [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2016)
The logic of science [Principles of evolution, ecology and behavior]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2011)
A concepção de homem no Behaviorismo radical e suas implicações para a tecnologia do comportamento
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia - PPGFil, 2008-12-19)
B. F. Skinner describes and explains the human behavior through the causal model of selection by consequences. According to this model, the human behavior is the product of the interaction among three levels of variability ...
Aplicaciones de las gráficas por computadora
On Computers graphics there are several graphs uses, for example, to represent the behavior according the data provided and so make decisions, to make editable designs, create artworks representations, among others.
The ...
Effects of restricted periods of diet access on feed intake, behavior, and performance of Alpine goats in early lactation.
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2017-08-01)
Exit velocity and feeding behavior of water buffalo: A relationship to be considered during the feedlot adaptation phase.
(Amer Soc Animal Science, 2017-08-01)
Body movement as an indicator of proceptive behavior in nurse sharks (Ginglymostoma cirratum)
(Springer, 2020-08-15)
Nurse sharks are vulnerable of extinction in Brazil. Although its reproductive behavioral repertoire is already known, including indications that females are not passive to the attempts of males, no indication of proceptive ...