Now showing items 1-10 of 623
Standard completeness of Hájek basic logic and decompositions of BL-chains
(Springer, 2005-05)
The aim of this paper is to survey the tools needed to prove the standard completeness of Hájek Basic Logic with respect to continuous t-norms. In particular, decompositions of totally ordered BL-algebras into simpler ...
Supervised Internships and their Lessons: Challenges and Experiences with Teaching Degree in Computer Science in Brazilian Scenario
(Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, 2014)
Exploring Undergraduate Students' Computational Modeling Abilities and Conceptual Understanding of Electric Circuits
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018-08-01)
Contribution: This paper adds to existing literature on teaching basic concepts of electricity using computer-based instruction; findings suggest that students can develop an accurate understanding of electric circuits ...
Programación básica para adolescentes
(Universidad IcesiFacultad de Ingeniería, 2007-08-01)
Adolescents don t show interest in
the computer programming, they
consider it difÞ cult and boring. This
paper explores the idea to teach the
new generations of adolescents to
program in a way that attracts them,
that ...
Using Systems Of Computer Mathematics Maple In The Course Training As Equations
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Implementation of a basic sonar of echolocation for education in telecommunications
(Science and Information Organization, 2018)
Currently, having a sonar of echolocation in an electronic lab is complicated due to the high cost of its implementation, which is why it is proposed the implementation of a basic sonar, using agile technologies such as ...
The development of school research in astronomy using the computer and the internet: an experience in basic education seeking the meaningful learningO desenvolvimento de pesquisa escolar em astronomia utilizando o computador e a internet: uma experiência na educação básica buscando a aprendizagem significativa
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2018)