Now showing items 1-10 of 278
Energy balance of pregnant vicunas (Vicugna vicugna) in the Chilean High Andes
(Universidad Austral de Chile, 2019)
Efecto del balance energético negativo sobre el desarrollo ovárico en vacas lecheras posparto.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2019-12-17)
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the negative energy balance, on ovarian development; as well as the presentation of the first heat, in dairy cows in the postpartum period. The negative ...
Impacto del balance energético negativo en vacas lecheras tratadas con somatotropina recombinante bovina
(Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, 2018)
Caso clinico mini horse con hiperlipemia.
(Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, 2023)