Now showing items 1-10 of 335
Understanding the structure and function of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-01)
As biological control agents take an expanding share of the pesticides market and the production of insect-resistant crops increases, it is essential to understand the structure and function of the active agents, the ...
Cloning of a fragment of the gene cryIVB from Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis coding for the aminoterminal segment of a 130 kDa larvicidal endotoxin
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz., 2019)
Methodology for fast evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis crystal protein content
(Soc Brasileira Microbiologia, 2000-07-01)
The development of the production and use of Bacillus thuringiensis Brazil at a commercial scale faces certain difficulties, among them the establishment of efficient methodologies for the quantitation of toxic products ...
Identification of toxin genes encoding Cyt proteins from standard and Argentine strains of Bacillus thuringiensis
(African Journals Online, 2012)
Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism methods for identification of cyt subclasses from Bacillus thuringiensis were established. Eight of 68 standard and ten of 107 Argentine B. thuringiensis ...
Is the insect world overcoming the efficacy of bacillus thuringiensis?
(MDPI AG, 2017-01-18)
The use of chemical pesticides revolutionized agriculture with the introduction of DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) as the first modern chemical insecticide. However, the effectiveness of DDT and other synthetic ...
Comments on Ekino et al. Cloning and Characterization of a Unique Cytotoxic Protein Parasporin-5 Produced by Bacillus thuringiensis A1100 Strain. Toxins 2014, 6, 1882–1895
(MDPI, 2015-11)
Ekino et al. [1] reported the cloning and characterization of a novel cytotoxic protein (Parasporin-5) produced by Bacillus thuringiensis strain A1100. The 33.8-kDa inactive precursor protein exhibited strong cytocidal ...
Protocol for the fast isolation and identification of insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis strains from soil
(Biopublisher, 2015-10)
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is an ubiquitous, Gram-positive and sporulating bacterium that synthesizes insecticidal proteins with specificity against a wide range of insects during sporulation (Cry and Cyt) and vegetative ...
Methodology for fast evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis crystal protein content
(Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia, 2000-09-01)
O desenvolvimento da produção e uso do Bacillus thuringiensis no Brasil em escala comercial enfrenta certas dificuldades, entre elas o estabelecimento de metodologias para a quantificação de produtos tóxicos a serem ...