Now showing items 1-10 of 70
Convergence and Accuracy Analysis for a Distributed Static State Estimator based on Gaussian Belief Propagation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-11)
This paper focuses on the distributed static estimation problem and a Belief Propagation (BP) based estimation algorithm is proposed. We provide a complete analysis for convergence and accuracy of it. More precisely, we ...
Inferring propagation paths for sparsely observed perturbations on complex networks
(American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2016-10)
In a complex system, perturbations propagate by following paths on the network of interactions among the system's units. In contrast to what happens with the spreading of epidemics, observations of general perturbations ...
Binarization algorithms for approximate updating in credal nets
(Ios Press, 2006)
Credal networks generalize Bayesian networks relaxing numerical parameters. This considerably expands expressivity. but makes belief updating a hard task even on polytrees. Nevertheless, if all the variables are binary, ...
Trust Prediction Basado en Trust Propagation y Homofilia
(Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, 2016)
El estudio de la confianza entre los usuarios de plataformas virtuales o de redes sociales en los últimos años ha ganado interés, ya que ayuda a dar fiabilidad en la información que se brinda en dichos medios. Una ...
Trust Prediction Basado en Trust Propagation y Homofilia
(Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, 2019)
Trust Prediction Basado en Trust Propagation y Homofilia
(Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, 2019)
Approximate algorithms for credal networks with binary variables
This paper presents a family of algorithms for approximate inference in credal networks (that is, models based on directed acyclic graphs and set-valued probabilities) that contain only binary variables. Such networks can ...
Reinforcing learning in Deep Belief Networks through nature-inspired optimization
Deep learning techniques usually face drawbacks related to the vanishing gradient problem, i.e., the gradient becomes gradually weaker when propagating from one layer to another until it finally vanishes away and no longer ...
Deep Belief Network and Auto-Encoder for Face Classification
The Deep Learning models have drawn ever-increasing research interest owing to their intrinsic capability of overcoming the drawback of traditional algorithm. Hence, we have adopted the representative Deep Learning methods ...