Now showing items 1-10 of 42
Guía de actividades para el uso del cuento en el desarrollo de la autonomía en niños de 3 a 5 años
This paper was born from the observation of children from 3 to 5 years old who did not meet
the level of autonomy expected for their age because many times their parents do not take the
issue of independence of children ...
Conductas parentales: apoyo a la autonomía y control psicológico en adolescentes de la Unidad Educativa Carlos Rigoberto Vintimilla de Cuenca en el periodo 2019 -2020
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2021-02-17)
This study was conducted to analyze, from the point of view offered by the SelfDetermination Theory (SDT), the parenting behaviors that allow and promote free will in
teenagers by supporting their autonomy and allowing ...
Actividades didácticas para fomentar la autonomía en el desarrollo del lenguaje en los niños de 3 a 4 años en el CEI Tomás Sacoto
(Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2022)
Actividades didácticas para fomentar la autonomía en el desarrollo del lenguaje en los niños de 3 a 4 años en el CEI Tomás Sacoto
(Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2022)
Clínica de neuro reabilitação: acessibilidade de pessoas com mobilidade reduzida em situação de pânico e incêndio
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNArquitetura e Urbanismo, 2021)
The number of people with reduced mobility has grown over the years and is expected to grow even more. The prediction is that in 2060 Brazil will have an age pyramid with a configuration similar to that of Japan today ...
La familia como un factor influyente en la elección de carrera universitaria en los estudiantes de primero, tercero y quinto semestre de las carreras de Género y Desarrollo y Orientación Familiar de la Universidad de Cuenca, 2022
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2023-03-03)
The family is considered as a space where each member is formed, learns and develops with
the purpose of maximizing the achievements they can make in the future, respecting or not
the autonomy of its members, therefore, ...
Tecnologia digital assistiva: uma abordagem de visão computacional para rastreamento ocular
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáGuarapuavaBrasilEngenharia MecânicaUTFPR, 2017-12-04)
This paper presents the implementation of a digital assistive technology, based on eye tracking, aiming people who suffer from motor and communication difficulties, with the purpose of improving their communication skills. ...
Comportamento da geração Y no mercado de trabalho: estudo de caso de um time de líderes de uma empresa do setor farmacêutico
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáLondrinaBrasilEngenharia de ProduçãoUTFPR, 2021-08-17)
The study of human behavior in the workplace allows us to understand the relationships between individuals in the corporate environment. This environment is composed of people of different generations that coexist among ...
Exploração de ambientes desconhecidos por meio de robótica de enxame
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCornelio ProcopioBrasilEngenharia de Controle e AutomaçãoUTFPR, 2017-11-30)
This paper’s goal is to apply Swarm Robotics concepts using autonomous mobile robots capable of exploring semi-unknown or unknown environments. Intelligent computational techniques are applied allowing the robot to interact ...
Desenvolvimento de um sistema de energia autônomo para aplicação em computação móvel utilizando módulos fotovoltaicos
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Eletrotécnica, 2015-02-12)
This paper presents the development of a three-port DC-DC converter for stand-alone power generation through photovoltaic module in order to increase the autonomy of a mobile computer. Presented in it are a study of the ...