Now showing items 1-10 of 28
Determination of arsenic species distribution in extra virgin olive oils from arsenic-endemic areas by dimensional chromatography and atomic spectroscopy
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018-03-09)
Arsenic species were determined in extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs) by two dimension chromatography and atomic spectroscopy: inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP MS) and electrothermal atomic absorption ...
Arsenic uptake reduction by vegetables grown in mining-polluted soils: The first ever Chilean studyDisminución de absorción del arsénico por hortalizas cultivadas en suelos impactados por actividades mineras: El primer estudio chileno
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2021)
Bentonite-composite polyvinyl alcohol/alginate hydrogel beads: Preparation, characterization and their use as arsenic removal devices
(Elsevier, 2020-12)
Arsenic (As) is a major source of water contamination that has both natural and anthropogenic origins, so that, to remove it from water is a relevant topic. Taking into account the ease of operation, the cost of processing ...
Thermomechanistic model for the processing of a high-arsenic copper concentrate in a duplex fluidized bed reactorMINERALS & METALLURGICAL PROCESSINGMiner. Metall. Process.
Fractionation of metals and metalloids by chemical bonding from particles accumulated by electrostatic precipitation in an Argentine thermal power plant
(Elsevier Science, 2007-04)
A study was undertaken to evaluate the distribution of Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Ti, V and Zn in fly ashes collected in the electrostatic precipitator of a thermal power plant in San Nicolás (Argentina). Five samples ...
Contents and main fractions of trace elements in Typic Argiudolls of the Argentinean Pampas
(Taylor & Francis, 2000-12)
The knowledge of the trace elements in soils of the Pampas remains fragmentary. Agriculture has been intensified in this region increasing the crop demand of micronutrients and increasing the use of fertilizers, which could ...
Assessment of the plasmidome of an extremophilic microbial community from the Diamante Lake, Argentina
(Nature, 2021-11)
Diamante Lake located at 4589 m.a.s.l. in the Andean Puna constitutes an extreme environment. It is exposed to multiple extreme conditions such as an unusually high concentration of arsenic (over 300 mg L-1) and low oxygen ...