Now showing items 1-10 of 289
Plain Language in public archives: mapping NARA's performance
(Univ Brasilia, Dept Ciencia Informacao, 2021-01-01)
Writing in plain language means writing clearly. Present in several countries for decades, Plain Language is a social movement for the right of access to information and a writing technique for clear and effective ...
A mediação da informação no âmbito da arquivística
(Escola de Ciência da Informação da UFMG, 2013-03-01)
O texto analisa a Arquivologia e sua relação com a mediação da informação. Defende que a base teórica da Arquivologia proporciona condições fundamentais para que, no âmbito da prática, se desenvolvam operações metodológicas ...
Da crítica diplomática à análise tipológica: abordagens e técnicas de análise documental
This study, of an instrumental nature, discusses the theoretical differences which underpin the documentary analysis models used in traditional Diplomatics and Contemporary Diplomatics. Undoubtedly, both models of analysis ...
Suitability of DNA extracted from archival specimens of fruit-eating bats of the genus Artibeus (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) for polymerase chain reaction and sequencing analysis
(Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, 2008-01-01)
To establish a technique which minimized the effects of fixation on the extraction of DNA from formalin-fixed tissues preserved in scientific collections we extracted DNA samples from fixed tissues using different methods ...
(Amer Medical AssocChicago, 1983)
Techniques in electromanometry of the upper esophageal sphincter
The various pull-through techniques used to measure pressure and length of the upper esophageal sphincter have not been studied in depth. Because of the importance of obtaining further information about these techniques, ...
The use of spanish historical archives to reconstruct climate variability
(American Meteorological Society, 2003-08-01)
The use of documentary sources is a well-established technique for reconstructing climate during the past few centuries, when no instrumental or similar sources of data are available. Such sources have been used to study ...
Observations of BL Lacertae from the geodetic VLBI archive of the Washington correlator
(Univ Chicago PressChicagoEUA, 1998)
A novel device for greater precision and safety in open-wedge high tibial osteotomy: cadaveric study
Introduction: The complications of the open-wedge osteotomy technique (slope, hypo- and hypercorrection and fractures) are related to difficulties in the control of the open-wedge angle during surgery. Materials and methods: ...