Now showing items 1-10 of 38
One-loop conformal invariance of the type II pure spinor superstring in a curved background
We compute the one-loop beta functions for the Type II superstring using the pure spinor formalism in a generic supergravity background. It is known that the classical pure spinor BRST symmetry puts the background fields ...
One-loop conformal invariance of the type II pure spinor superstring in a curved background
We compute the one-loop beta functions for the Type II superstring using the pure spinor formalism in a generic supergravity background. It is known that the classical pure spinor BRST symmetry puts the background fields ...
One-loop conformal invariance of the type II pure spinor superstring in a curved background
(Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) [Associate Organisation] Springer Verlag [Commercial Publisher], 2007-01)
We compute the one-loop beta functions for the Type II superstring using the pure spinor formalism in a generic supergravity background. It is known that the classical pure spinor BRST symmetry puts the background fields ...
Some superstring amplitude computations with the non-minimal pure spinor formalism
(Int School Advanced Studies, 2006-11-01)
We use the non-minimal pure spinor formalism to compute in a super-Poincare covariant manner the four-point massless one and two-loop open superstring amplitudes, and the gauge anomaly of the six-point one-loop amplitude. ...
Some superstring amplitude computations with the non-minimal pure spinor formalism
(Int School Advanced Studies, 2006-11-01)
We use the non-minimal pure spinor formalism to compute in a super-Poincare covariant manner the four-point massless one and two-loop open superstring amplitudes, and the gauge anomaly of the six-point one-loop amplitude. ...
Some superstring amplitude computations with the non-minimal pure spinor formalism
(Int School Advanced Studies, 2014)