Now showing items 1-10 of 244
The Role of Androgens in Mammals Folliculogenesis
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2016)
Cellular localization of androgen synthesis in equine granulosa-theca cell tumors: Immunohistochemical expression of 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase cytochrome P450
Elevated blood testosterone concentrations, often accompanied by male-typical behaviors, is a common signalment of mares with granulosa-theca cell tumors (GCTCs), but no definitive information exists regarding the cellular ...
Cellular localization of androgen synthesis in equine granulosa-theca cell tumors: Immunohistochemical expression of 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase cytochrome P450
Elevated blood testosterone concentrations, often accompanied by male-typical behaviors, is a common signalment of mares with granulosa-theca cell tumors (GCTCs), but no definitive information exists regarding the cellular ...
Advice on the Management of Ambiguous Genitalia to a Young Endocrinologist from Experienced Clinicians
The birth of a child with ambiguous genitalia is a challenging and distressing event for the family and physician and one with life-long consequences. Most disorders of sexual differentiation (DSD) associated with ambiguous ...
Evidence for the participation of calcium in non-genomic relaxations induced by androgenic steroids in rat vas deferens
(Nature Publishing Group, 2008-03-01)
Background and purpose: Androgens cause non-genomic relaxation in several smooth muscle preparations. However, such an effect has not been investigated in rat vas deferens yet. Our purpose was to study the effect of ...
Silencing of the transcriptional factor ZEB1 alters the steroidogenic pathway, and increases the concentration of testosterone and DHT in DU145 cells
(Spandidos Publications, 2019)
© 2019 Spandidos Publications. All rights reserved.Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common type of male malignancy worldwide. The transcription factor zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1) is associated with ...
Androgen receptors in coeliac ganglion in late pregnant rat
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2009-06)
The ovarian function is controlled by endocrine factors and neural influence. In late pregnant rat, androstenedione, from the coeliac ganglion, has a luteotrophic effect in the ex vivo coeliac ganglion-superior ovarian ...