Now showing items 1-10 of 205
Isolation of chicken anaemia virus in Chile Aislamiento del virus de la anemia infecciosa de los pollos en Chile
Chicken anaemia virus (CAV) was isolated for the first time in Chile from thymus samples obtained from SPF chickens experimentally infected with CAV serologically positive tissues. Isolation was conducted in MDCC-MSB1 cell ...
Correcting haemoglobin cut-offs to define anaemia in high-altitude pregnant women in Peru reduces adverse perinatal outcomes
(Springer, 2014)
To determine if correction of cut-offs of haemoglobin levels to define anaemia at high altitudes affects rates of adverse perinatal outcomes.
Anaemia in pregnant women before and after the mandatory fortification of wheat and corn flours with iron
Objective: To estimate the frequency of anaemia in pregnant women before and after the fortification of flours with Fe. Design: Retrospective study developed from secondary data obtained from medical records. Setting: Two ...
Anaemia in patients with cancer: role of inflammatory activity on iron metabolism and severity of anaemia
(Humana Press IncTotowaEUA, 2007)
Interferentes eritrocitários e ambientais na anemia falciforme
Erythrocytes and environmental interferences on sickle cell anaemia Sickle cell anaemia runs na extremely variable clinical course At one end of spectrum, it is characterized by a crippling haemolitic anaemia, interspersed ...
Fortified food made by the extrusion of a mixture of chickpea, corn and bovine lung controls iron-deficiency anaemia in preschool children
A fortified food that was rich in protein, vitamins and iron made of chickpea, bovine lung and corn was developed with the aim of controlling iron-deficiency anaemia in children from poorer areas. It was tested in Teresina, ...
Reduction of erythroid progenitors in protein-energy malnutrition
(Cambridge University Press, 2007-02-01)
Protein-energy malnutrition is a syndrome in which anaemia together with multivitamin and mineral deficiency may be present. The pathophysiological mechanisms involved have not, however, yet been completely elucidated. The ...
Hydroxycarbamide reduces eosinophil adhesion and degranulation in sickle cell anaemia patients
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2014)