Now showing items 1-10 of 1741
Free Hardware based System for Air Quality and CO2 Monitoring
(Science and Information OrganizationGB, 2022)
"Due to the increase in air pollution, especially in
Latin American countries of low and middle income, great
environmental and health risks have been generated, highlighting
that there is more pollution in closed ...
Free Hardware based System for Air Quality and CO2 Monitoring
(Science and Information OrganizationGB, 2022)
Due to the increase in air pollution, especially in
Latin American countries of low and middle income, great
environmental and health risks have been generated, highlighting
that there is more pollution in closed ...
Data mining paradigm in the study of air quality
(Springer, 2020-03)
Air pollution is a serious global problem that threatens human life and health, as well as the environment. The most important aspect of a successful air quality management strategy is the measurement analysis, air quality ...
Carbon monoxide emitted from the city of Buenos Aires and transported to neighbouring districts
(Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química, 2010-03)
Air pollutants emitted in a city may reach neighbouring areas. This paper describes and applies a methodology for estimating the CO transported from the City of Buenos Aires (CBA) to neighbouring districts. The methodology ...
Valoración de la calidad del aire de la biblioteca UNET con base en los niveles de CO2
(Ciencia e Ingeniería, 2010)
Free Hardware based System for Air Quality and CO2 Monitoring
(The Science and Information OrganizationPE, 2022)
Due to the increase in air pollution, especially in Latin American countries of low and middle income, great environmental and health risks have been generated, highlighting that there is more pollution in closed environments. ...
Free hardware based system for air quality and CO2 monitoring
(The Science and Information (SAI) OrganizationGB, 2022-02-11)
Due to the increase in air pollution, especially in Latin American countries of low and middle income, great environmental and health risks have been generated, highlighting that there is more pollution in closed environments. ...
Measurement and analysis of air quality in temporary shelters on three continents
(ElsevierGB, 2020)
Millions of displaced people are housed in shelters that generally consist of a single room, meaning that activities including cooking, sleeping and socializing all take place in the same space. Therefore, indoor air quality ...
Spatial distribution of lichen communities and air pollution mapping in a tropical city: Medellín, Colombia
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2021)
Assessment and prediction of air quality using fuzzy logic and autoregressive models
(Elsevier Ltd., 2012)