Now showing items 1-10 of 65
"Strategic Methodology for the Creation and Administration of a Collaborative Network of SMEs for the Aerospace Industry in Mexico"-Edición Única
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2007-12-01)
The Aerospace Industry represents almost US $500bn around the world and fore some countries like the U.S., more than 15% of their economy is related to this Industry. Mexico is trying to become a new player, despite supplying ...
Costa Rica Aerospace Camp 2015: Experiences and Results
The first Costa Rican Aerospace Camp 2015 was an outreach and education activity where participants had active contact with the entire process of constructing and operating sounding rockets. It included lectures on theoretical ...
Damage detection in a benchmark structure using AR-ARX models and statistical pattern recognition
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is related to the ability of monitoring the state and deciding the level of damage or deterioration within aerospace, civil and mechanical systems. In this sense, this paper deals with ...
Damage detection in a benchmark structure using AR-ARX models and statistical pattern recognition
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is related to the ability of monitoring the state and deciding the level of damage or deterioration within aerospace, civil and mechanical systems. In this sense, this paper deals with ...
Cluster space linear parameter varying control of robot formations
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018)
Within the Cluster Space robot formation control scheme, a new approach is presented where a cascaded control scheme is proposed. On one hand, a simple secondary (inner) loop is used to control the formation’s velocity in ...
Transfer of knowledge of the structural components of the model Q400 and Global Express: the case of Aerospace Bombardier, QuerétaroTransferencia de conocimiento de los componentes estructurales del modelo Q400 y Global Express: el caso de Bombardier Aeroespacial, Querétaro
(Universidad del RosarioEditorial Universidad del Rosario, 2010)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the knowledge transfer in the production of structural components of two aircraft:Q400 and Global Express of Bombardier Aerospace Company, Querétaro. Bombardier Aerospace is a pioneer ...