Now showing items 1-10 of 33
Exame do corpo de delito na perícia veterinária (ensaio)
Situations of cruelty to animals occur frequently and the veterinarian is the Professional more competent to perform expertise in these cases. The Forensic Veterinary Medicine is growing, and its goal is to protect wild ...
Conhecimentos técnicos em Atuária para contadores: a perspectiva dos agentes gestores do mercado de trabalho das EFPC’s de Santa CatarinaTechnical knowledge in Actuary for accountants: perception of the managing agents of the labor market of the EFPC’s in the state of Santa Catarina
(Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo, 2016)
Pulmonary Hypertension in Latin America Pulmonary Vascular Disease: The Global Perspective
Latin America is here defined as all of the Americas south of the United States. In the setting of pulmonary hypertension, there are social inequalities and geophysical aspects in this region that account for a high ...
Formación de la agenda pública en la sociedad mundial
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Departamento Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, 2014)
Towards a Recommender Engine for Personalized Visualizations
(Springer, 2015-06)
Visualizations have a distinctive advantage when dealing with the information overload problem: since they are grounded in basic visual cognition, many people understand them. However, creating them requires specific ...
A new approach for determining stability constants of metal ion complexes in aquatic systems based on flow injection-ion exchange-flame atomic absorption spectrometry coupling
(Gordon Breach Sci Publ Ltd, 1997-01-01)
A method based an ion exchange(IE)-atomic absorption spectrometry(AAS) coupled by flow techniques, allowing the determination of formation constants of, at least, the first species of complex systems, in aqueous solution, ...
Brazilian consensus recommendations for the diagnosis, screening, and treatment of individuals with fabry disease: Committee for Rare Diseases - Brazilian Society of Nephrology/2021
(Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia, 2022-02-23)
Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked inherited disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene encoding enzyme alpha-galactosidase A (α-Gal A). The purpose of this study was to produce a consensus statement to standardize the ...
El cuerpo como prototipo de toda resistencia posible: una descripción fenomenológica de la experiencia de lo inhabitualThe body as a prototype of resistance: a phenomenological description of the experience of the unusual
(Apeiron, 2015-10)
En este trabajo me ocuparé del análisis fenomenológico de lo inhabitual, es decir, aquello que irrumpe en la experiencia de un sujeto encarnado y lo descoloca introduciéndolo en una zona de extrañeza y poniendo de manifiesto ...