Now showing items 1-10 of 47583
Agenda-setting policy: strategies and agenda denial mechanisms
(Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2016)
This paper focuses on an aspect overlooked in literature on policy formulation: agenda denial, the political process by which issues are kept from policymakers’ consideration and deliberation. The theoretical study of ...
Agenda-Setting Theory
This chapter discusses contemporary directions of agenda-setting research. It reviews thebasic concept of agenda setting, the transfer of salience from the media agenda to thepublic agenda as a key step in the formation ...
Agenda de licitações | 2013
Este arquivo contém informações referentes aos processos licitatórios tramitados no Departamento de Licitações da UFSC.
Agenda de licitações | 2018
Este arquivo contém informações referentes aos processos licitatórios tramitados no Departamento de Licitações da UFSC no ano de 2018.
Agenda Setting and Journalism
People use the news media to learn about the world beyond their family, neighborhood, and workplace. As news consumers, we depend on what television, social media, websites, radio stations, and newspapers decide to inform ...