Now showing items 1-10 of 923
Knowledge of pregnant adolescents about reproductive anatomy and physiology in a municipality of southern Brazil
(Assoc Medica BrasileiraSao PauloBrasil, 2008)
Female germ cell renewal during the annual reproductive cycle in Ostariophysians fish
The objective was to characterize female germ cell renewal during the annual reproductive cycle in two species of ostariophysian fish with distinct reproductive strategies: a siluriform, Pimelodus maculatus, in which oocyte ...
Reproductive physiology, and physical and sexual development of female offspring born to diabetic dams
(Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia, 2012-03-01)
OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desenvolvimento físico e sexual e a fisiologia reprodutiva de ratas que se desenvolveram em condições hiperglicêmicas in utero e lactação. MATERIAIS E METODOS: Para induzir ...
Reproductive physiology, and physical and sexual development of female offspring born to diabetic dams
Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate physical and sexual development and reproductive physiology in female rat offspring that developed in hyperglycemia conditions in utero and during lactation. Materials ...
Physiological changes occurred in buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) subject to thermal stress
This study aimed to evaluate the physiological changes in buffalo bulls subjected to heat stress for a period of 54 days. We used eight male crossbred (Murrah × Mediterranean) with three years old. The animals were housed ...
Effects of physiological stage and season on infrared thermograms of different body areas of dairy cows raised under tropical conditions
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of season and pregnancy stage on the temperature of various body areas of Holstein cows using digital infrared thermography, an effective and non-invasive ...
Physiological bases for understanding estrous cycle differences between bos taurus and bos indicus
Background: Although there is some information in the literature discussing differences of the estrous cycle of Bos taurus and Bos indicus cattle, most of the data derive from studies performed in temperate climate countries, ...
Calcium potentiates the effect of estradiol on PGF2a production in the bovine endometrium
(Biomed Central Ltd., 2014-05-05)
Background: Estradiol (E2) is required for luteolysis in cows and its injection stimulates prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) release. The main goal of our study was to investigate the ability of endometrial explants and cells ...