Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Energy-Efficient Real Estate or How It Is Perceived by Potential Homebuyers in Four Latin American Countries
(MDPI, 2019)
This article analyses how energy efficiency regulatory frameworks have been developed in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Chile, within a context of developing countries, and it discusses if this context has been able to ...
Modelos de precificação hedônica de imóveis residenciais na região metropolitana de São Paulo: uma abordagem sob as perspectivas da demanda e da oferta
(Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas da FEA-USP, 2008)
Este trabalho utiliza-se da técnica de modelos de preços hedônicos em uma amostra de 1860 apartamentos residenciais com lançamentos no ano de 2004, localizados em distritos de renda baixa, média e alta da Região Metropolitana ...
Naturaleza jurídica del reglamento de propiedad horizontal, la tutela del consumidor inmobiliario y las cláusulas abusivasThe legal nature of the horizontal regulation, the real estate consumer tutelage and the unfair contractual terms
(Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Derecho, 2017)
Resumen: El siguiente ensayo analiza la naturaleza jurídica del Reglamento de Propiedad Horizontal, para así determinar si ante la existencia de cláusulas abusivas se podrían aplicar al Régimen de Propiedad Horizontal, los ...
Market segmentation: a proposed methodology for associating clients and products in the real estate marketSegmentação de mercado: proposta de uma metodologia de associação entre clientes e produtos no contexto do mercado imobiliário
(ANTAC - Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído, 2008)
An integrated behavioral model of land use and transport system: A hyper-network equilibrium approach
(SPRINGER, 2008-09)
The interaction between the land use and transport in the urban context is a relevant issue in policy making. The connection between both systems arises since the former is causal of urban development while the latter is ...
Medium-sized cities, new productive spaces and restructuring of urban space in Uberaba-MG
(Revues Org, 2015-01-01)
In recent years, Brazilian medium-sized cities have been considered as attractive poles for both internal migration flows, and for new corporate investments in industry, trades, services and real estate, emerging new ...
News contents in the urban peripherys of the intermediary citys of state Sao Paulo, BrazilNovos conteúdos nas periferias urbanas das cidades médias do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil
News contents in the urban peripherys of the intermediary citys of State Sao Paulo, Brazil Brazilian cities have had their urban structures oriented by relations of the kind city center-periphery, where the central areas ...
Aspects of Urban Morphology and Socio-Spatial Differences in Urban Space of Alvares Machado City, Sao Paulo, Brazil
(Univ Valle, 2015-01-01)
This article seeks to contribute to highlight the role of urban morphology in the analysis of production of urban space and differentiation socio-spatial, mainly from the urban forms in the of Alvares Machado City, located ...
La cepa turística de la enfermedad holandesa: Razones económicas subyacentes al declive de un destino turísticoTourist strain of Dutch disease: Economic reasons underlying to decaying of tourist destinations
(Politecnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, 2015-12)
Se propone un nuevo marco de análisis, una variante del fallo de mercado conocido como la enfermedad holandesa, que permite encontrar la raíz económica del ciclo de vida de un destino turístico de Butler. El capital, fluye ...
Grandes proyectos urbanos como instrumentos de creación y captura de plusvalías urbanas. Ejemplos de Argentina y Brasil
(Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, 2017-07)
Este trabajo parte de un interrogante presente en el debate latinoamericano en torno a los grandes proyectos: ¿implican estos una subvención al capital inmobiliario, a empresas privadas y a consumidores ricos, a expensas ...