Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Masting has different effects on seed predation by insects and birds in antarctic beech forests with no influence of forest management
(Elsevier Science, 2017-09)
Mast seeding is characteristic of many long-lived tree species and widely proposed as a mechanism to reduce seed predation. However, whether the efficiency of this reproductive response may vary depending on type of seed ...
Masting has different effects on seed predation by insects and birds in antarctic beech forests with no influence of forest management
Mast seeding is characteristic of many long-lived tree species and widely proposed as a mechanism to reduce seed predation. However, whether the efficiency of this reproductive response may vary depending on type of seed ...
Are all patches worth exploring? Foraging desert birds do not rely on environmental indicators of seed abundance at small scales
(BioMed Central, 2019-06)
Background: Consumers should show strong spatial preferences when foraging in environments where food availability is highly heterogeneous and predictable. Postdispersal granivores face this scenario in most arid areas, ...
Pre-dispersal seed loss in two Prosopis species (Fabacea: Mimosoidea) from the Monte Desert, ArgentinaPérdida de semillas en fase de pre-dispersión en dos especies de Prosopis (Fabacea: Mimosoidea) del Desierto del Monte, Argentina
(Asociación Argentina de Ecología, 2018-08)
Los filtros impuestos sobre las semillas en la fase pre-dispersiva pueden alterar su probabilidad de ser dispersadas. Evaluamos la pérdida de semillas debido a la depredación por insectos y aborción durante la etapa ...
Remoción de semillas por roedores en un fragmento de bosque seco tropical (Risaralda-Colombia)
(Universidad de Córdoba, 2010)
Characterization of Seeds of Three Palm Species and their Relationship to Post-Dispersal PredationCaracterización de semillas de tres especies de palmas y su relación con la depredación posdispersivaCaracterização de sementes de três espécies de palmeiras e sua relação com a predação pós-dispersiva
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2021)
Efectos de la fragmentatión sobre la aborción y depredación de semillas en el Chaco Serrano
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2004-03)
Las interacciones entre plantas e insectos pueden ser afectadas por la fragmentación de los hábitats. En este estudio, realizado en el Chaco Serrano de Argentina, investigamos los efectos de la fragmentación sobre la ...