Now showing items 1-10 of 305
Flexibilização curricular, aprender a aprender, responsabilização individual e meritocracia: análise crítica de políticas educacionais brasileiras (1996-2021)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2022-03-14)
Considering the current neoliberal context and its implications for student education, education is examined in its broadest sense, in which the world of work and income generation, based on meritocracy and lifelong learning, ...
Flexibilização curricular, aprender a aprender, responsabilização individual e meritocracia: análise crítica de políticas educacionais brasileiras (1996-2021)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2022-03-14)
Considering the current neoliberal context and its implications for student education, education is examined in its broadest sense, in which the world of work and income generation, based on meritocracy and lifelong learning, ...
Avalia????o de pol??ticas p??blicas como indutora de aprendizagem: percep????o de gestores estaduais e municipais sobre o Programa Bolsa Fam??lia
(Escola de Administra????o da Universidade Federal da BahiaEAUFBAbrasil, 2016-01-15)
Práticas de apoio à inclusão escolar e a constituição de normalidades diferenciais
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-02-22)
This dissertation aims to understand how support practices to school inclusion have put into operation normalization processes of people with disabilities since the 1990s. In order to do that, 11 national and international ...
Práticas de apoio à inclusão escolar e a constituição de normalidades diferenciais
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2018-02-22)
This dissertation aims to understand how support practices to school inclusion have put into operation normalization processes of people with disabilities since the 1990s. In order to do that, 11 national and international ...
Políticas de inclusão escolar: uma análise da atuação do Ministério Público nas escolas privadas de ensino regular de Porto Alegre, RS
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-05-31)
Inclusive education is the theme of this thesis that aims to analyze the effects of the action taken by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (MPRS), through the Regional Education Prosecutor’s ...
Políticas de inclusão escolar: uma análise da atuação do Ministério Público nas escolas privadas de ensino regular de Porto Alegre, RS
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-05-31)
Inclusive education is the theme of this thesis that aims to analyze the effects of the action taken by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (MPRS), through the Regional Education Prosecutor’s ...
Políticas públicas estaduais e os indicadores de qualidade do ensino médio: correlações e consequências
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2017-01-12)
This study analyzes three Rio Grande do Sul Governments public policy, and how they related to the results of basic education quality indicators. Focuses on the high school and was developed in State public schools in Porto ...