Now showing items 1-10 of 405
Kitsch, crise da utopia modernista e crítica de arte na contemporaneidade (2010)
Análise das relações entre o exercício da crítica literária/artística e o conceito de Kitsch na contemporaneidade.
Relações entre tédio e trabalho na contemporaneidade
This study is a theoretical investigation which intends to discuss possible relationships between work and boredom based on notable authors and theories. Unlike modern industrial societies centered mainly in production, ...
Educação, ética e experiência na contemporaneidade
The objetive of this paper is discuss, briefly, how are configured the dimensions of experience and ethics in society called "liquid" - from the discussions conducted by Zygmunt Bauman. It is observed that there is a ...
Desamparo psíquico na contemporaneidade
This article has as a purpose to make a theoretical reflection on the experience of helplessness in the recent days. It starts from the Freud’s concept of helplessness, and compares it with analyses and reflections from ...
Juventude e contemporaneidade: possibilidades e limites
(Centro de Estudios Sociales CIDPA, 2004)
Contemporaneidad y bioética
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2014)
Um Palco de Espelhos: Narcisismo e Contemporaneidade
(São Paulo, 1994)