Now showing items 1-10 of 43
Sensitivity of the Near-Shore Oceanic Circulation Off Central Chile to Coastal Wind Profiles Characteristics
In Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS), the upwelling favorable wind speeds decrease toward the coast in the so-called wind drop-off coastal strip, which has been shown to be influential on the coastal upwelling ...
Bolometric Light Curves for 33 Type II Plateau Supernovae
Using data of three well observed Type II plateau supernovae (SNe II-P), SNe 1987A, 1999em, and 2003hn, and two atmosphere models by Eastman et al. and Dessart & Hillier, we derive calibrations for bolometric corrections ...
Implementation of methane cycling for deep-time global warming simulations with the DCESS Earth system model (version 1.2)
Geological records reveal a number of ancient, large and rapid negative excursions of the carbon-13 isotope. Such excursions can only be explained by massive injections of depleted carbon to the Earth system over a short ...
Solar energy resource assessment in chile: satellite estimation ground station measurements
The progress from the last four years in solar energy resource assessment for Chile is reported, including measurements from a ground station network spanning from two to three years of data, and satellite estimations from ...