Now showing items 1-10 of 282
Some achievements and challenges of dental anthropology
(ARC Publications, 2016)
Dental Anthropology has produced a huge amount of information in the last decades, covering many different aspects of human biological and cultural life. For the last twenty years, a process of diversification and ...
Some achievements and challenges of dental anthropology
(ARC Publications, 2016)
Dental Anthropology has produced a huge amount of information in the last decades, covering many different aspects of human biological and cultural life. For the last twenty years, a process of diversification and ...
The Dissolution of Nam Cum in Perspective: Global Contexts of the Mennonite Mission in the Chaco, Argentina
(Goshen College, 2020-07)
The dissolution of the Mennonite Nam Cum mission in the province of Chaco has been approached by anthropological studies on religious change as a fundamental milestone in shaping the contemporary dynamics of the region. ...
Feminisms and prostitution in Brazil: reading from a feminist anthropological perspectiveFeminismos y prostitución en Brasil: una lectura a partir de la antropología feministaFeminismos e Prostituição no Brasil: Uma Leitura a Partir da Antropologia Feminista
(Cuadernos de antropología social, 2012-12-15)
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Indigenous studies in Argentina: anthropology, history and ethnohistory from the 1980s
(University of Nebraska Press, 2018-05)
This paper analyzes the development of studies concerning indigenous peoples in Argentina during the last thirty years, since the mid 1980?s, when the return of democracy allowed for substantial changes in academic spaces ...
Much More than a Metaphor: Translation in Anthropology
(Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, 2021-08)
During the 1990s, theories of globalization spread as rapidly as neoliberalism. Their effects are widely recognized and continue to have a major influence on broad sectors of the social sciences and the humanities. These ...
The perspective of teacher trainees about the mathematics teacher´s professionLe point de vue des enseignants stagiaires sur le métier de professeur de mathématiques
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2020-09)
We present some results of the design and implementation of a research and study course for the Mathematics teacher trainees. The research is based on the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic. We analyze which gestures ...
Socio/Ethno-epidemiologies: proposals and possibilities from the Latin American production
(Routledge, 2017-09)
This article presents an approach to understanding health that acquires an original and autonomous development across different Latin American countries, despite being the result of reading and analysing national and ...
"You Shall Not Abhor an Edomite, for He is Your Brother": The Tradition of Esau and the Edomite Genealogies from an Anthropological Perspective
(University of Alberta, 2006-12)
This article studies the genealogical relationship between ancient Israel and Edom, as is expressed by the Hebrew Bible. It studies especially the sociopolitical and ideological framework that gave birth to the biblical ...
A semio-anthropological perspective on mediatization: semiosis, 2 by Eliseo VerónUna perspectiva semio-antropológica de la mediatización: la semiosis social, 2 de Eliseo VerónUma perspectiva semio-antropológica da midiatização – Semiosis, 2 por Eliseo Verón
(Oxford University Press, 2018-05)
Since the late 1960s and until his death in 2014, theorist Eliseo Verón built bridges between semiotics and communication studies—two territories that actually belong to a single domain not always perceived as such. His ...