Now showing items 1-10 of 179
Sciences and audiences along the lastcentury: the impact of Astronomy Education
(Cambridge University Press, 2020)
Just as in the past, the development of the natural sciences and in particular of astronomy has changed the history of humanity. If we think about the role of our discipline into the future, it shows its enormous power in ...
How does coaching influence teacher implementation of a science programme? Evidence from an experimental study
(Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 2021-07)
Purpose: The study aimed to understand the effect of instructional coaching on teachers' implementation of a science teaching improvement programme and whether it varies in schools of different socioeconomic statuses. ...
Using assessment to develop good practice for teachers in Higher Education
(Universidad de Valparaíso, 2017)
Evolução do perfil acadêmico-profissional de professores brasileiros participantes da escola de física do CERN em língua portuguesaEvolution of the academic and professional profile of Brazilian teachers that attended the CERN Portuguese language teachers programme
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2019)
Posibilidad de acuerdos sobre las concepciones de currículo para la formación de maestrosPossible Agreements on Curriculum Conceptions for Teacher Training
(Universidad de la SabanaBogotá, Colombia, 2020)
Use of Collaborative Work Techniques in an Oral PresentationUso de técnicas de trabajo colaborativo en una presentación oral
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022)
Soploon: A virtual assistant to help teachers to detect object-oriented errors in students’ source codes
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2018-09)
When checking students’ source codes, teachers tend to overlook some errors. This work introduces Soploon, a tool that automatically detects novice programmer errors. By using this tool, teachers can reduce the number of ...
A language lab: a creative chance to use ICT in teacher educationEl laboratorio de lengua: una experiencia creativa con TIC en formación docente
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Faculdad de Ciencias Sociales, Centro de Estudios Avanzados. Maestría en Procesos Educativos Mediados por Tecnología, 2015)