Now showing items 1-10 of 52
A least upper bound on the fault tolerance of real-time systems
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2005-10-01)
This paper presents a method to deal with the reexecution of tasks in a hard real-time system subject to temporary faults. The set of tasks follows the Liu and Layland model: they are periodic, independent and preemptible. ...
Improving the schedulability of soft real-time open dynamic systems: The inheritor is actually a debtor
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2008-07)
This paper presents the Clearing Fund Protocol, a three layered protocol designed to schedule soft real-time sets of precedence related tasks with shared resources. These sets are processed in an open dynamic environment. ...
ACO-based dynamic job scheduling of parametric computational mechanics studies on Cloud Computing infrastructures
(IOS Press, 2013)
Parameter Sweep Experiments (PSEs) allow scientists to perform simulations by running the same code with different input data, which typically results in many CPU-intensive jobs and thus computing environments such as ...
Scheduling Hard Real-Time Tasks in Multicore General Purpose/ Special Purpose Processors Systems-on-a-Chip: An Energy-Aware Approach
(Praise Worthy Prize, 2009-11)
In this paper an energy-aware scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous multicore general purpose/special purpose processors systems-on-a-chip is presented. The load consists in chains of precedence-related tasks. A systematic ...
Real-time rescheduling of production systems using relational reinforcement learning
(QUALIS CAPES (UFSC), 2011-12)
Most scheduling methodologies developed until now have laid down good theoretical foundations, but there is still the need for real-time rescheduling methods that can work effectively in disruption management. In this ...
Simulation and optimization of traffic lights for vehicles flow in high traffic areas
(Elsevier BVNetherlands, 2022)
Scheduling deferrable electric appliances in Smart Homes: a bi-objective stochastic optimization approach
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2021-11-08)
In the last decades, cities have increased the number of activities and services that depends on an efficient and reliable electricity service. In particular, households have had a sustained increase of electricity consumption ...
Soft-computing approaches for rescheduling problems in a manufacturing industry
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2021)
An ACO-inspired algorithm for minimizing weighted flowtime in cloud-based parameter sweep experiments
(Elsevier, 2013-02)
Parameter Sweep Experiments (PSEs) allow scientists and engineers to conduct experiments by running the same program code against different input data. This usually results in many jobs with high computational requirements. ...
Power saving and fault-tolerance in real-time critical embedded systems
(Elsevier Science, 2009-02)
In this paper, a method with the double purpose of reducing the consumption of energy and giving a deterministic guarantee on the fault tolerance of real-time embedded systems operating under the Rate Monotonic discipline ...