Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Extração de características da pupila para aplicações em sistemas biométricosExtraction of pupil features for applications in biometric systems
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEngenharia BiomédicaEngenharia Biomédica, 2023)
Sistema de medición del tamaño de la pupila con visión artificial para investigación en psicología e inteligencia artificial del Grupo IDEIAGEOCA.
The objective of this work is to develop a system
for measuring pupil size with artificial vision, for research in
psychology of the IDEIAGEOCA Group. The system consists of
two stages: image preprocessing and segmentation; ...
Adaptación de prótesis ocular por enucleación en paciente de sexo masculino de 45 años de edad
(Babahoyo: UTB-FCS, 2021, 2021)
The tired and the blind. The effect of cognitive load on social norms
In this study, we conducted a laboratory experiment to examine the effects of increasing the cognitive load over rule-following propensity , normative expectations, and personal normative beliefs. We vary the intensity of ...