Now showing items 1-10 of 296
Reproductive biology and pollination of Utricularia reniformis A.St.-Hil. (Lentibulariaceae)
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014)
Habitat heterogeneity and pollinators: Bees in fragmented landscapes (Hymenoptera : Apidae)
(California State University, 2013)
Pollination of Adenocalymma bracteatum (Bignoniaceae): Floral Biology and Visitors
(Entomological Soc Brasil, 2014)
Reproductive biology of Abolboda pulchella and A. poarchon (Xyridaceae: Poales)
(Oxford University Press, 2013)
Pollination of Glycine wightii, a perennial soyabean, by Africanized honey bees
(Int Bee Research Assoc, 2014)
Pollination and dispersal systems in a Cerrado remnant (Brazilian Savanna) in Southeastern Brazil
(Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2014)