Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Evaluación del efecto de la temperatura en la adsorción de contaminantes peligrosos sobre arcillas organofílicas
(Bogotá, 2000)
Las arcillas naturales pueden modificarse para absorber contaminantes orgánicos. La adsorción de cuatro contaminantes sobre una arcilla organofílica se analizó en función de su dependencia de la temperatura. El calor ...
The influence of pH and temperature changes on the adsorption behavior of organophilic clays used in the stabilization/solidification of hazardous wastes
(Colombia, 2002)
The effect of temperature, pH, and Na+/Ca2+ concentration on the adsorptive behavior of organophilic clay used in the solidification/stabilization of hazardous wastes was addressed. The organophilic clay used was ...
Selective adsorption of gadolinium from real leachate using a natural bentonite clay
(Elsevier BVUnited Kingdom, 2023)
Mechanical, thermal, viscoelastic performance and product application of PP- rice husk Colombian biocomposites
(Elsevier, 2019-11-01)
This work presents the results of a study on the use of Colombian rice husk (RH) for property modification of unfilled Polypropylene (PP). RH is an agro-industrial by-product generated in the rice mills after the separation ...