Now showing items 1-10 of 33
Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent e Huawei: a estratégia chinesa em inteligência artificial
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNCiências Econômicas, 2021-05-03)
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been interpreted as a General-Purpose Technology and a strategic element, since it has the power to increase competitive advantages and strengthen national defense. For this reason, AI ...
Análisis del comportamiento de compra en el consumidor que adquiere celulares digitales (samsung huawei) en el sector la ecuatoriana, de la ciudad de quito, durante el año 2020.
The article has the problem of knowing the purchasing behavior of the consumer who acquires
digital cell phones (Samsung and Huawei) in the Ecuadorian Sector of the City of Quito, it is
intended to know the tastes and ...
Diseño De Practicas De Configuración De Routers Huawei Para Redes De Datos
(ESPO. FIEC, 2017)
Propuesta de optimizacion del proceso de seguimiento y control de la ejecucion de los mantenimientos preventivos realizada por linea comunicaciones en cumplimiento del proyecto HUAWEI FLM
(Universidad del MagdalenaFacultad de IngenieríaIngeniería Electrónica, 2019)
This work was developed during the period of the second semester of the year 2021, during the undergraduate option course (PADE) 2 of the Universidad del Rosario in which, whose purpose is purely institutional. In this, ...