Now showing items 1-10 of 361
A importância da arte no sistema filosófico de Hegel
What does it mean to say that Hegel is an idealist philosopher? Such determination is appropriate? If appeals Hegel to speculative approach, then how to understand their idealism? These questions guide the role of art in ...
Hegel and the totality in the wholeHegel y la totalidad en el todo
(Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Escuela de Filosofía, 2016)
A verdade em Hegel e Marx
What is truth? Is there a single truth or many? Is it absolute or relative? Hegel and Marx give some answers through their works. he hegelian and marxist outstanding guide themselves by the dialectical approach according ...
Hegel's Sublation of Kant's Transcendental Philosophy: Absolute Idealism as a Non-Metaphysical or Rational Metaphysics
(Sociedade Hegel Brasileiras, 2015-06)
The aim of my paper is to give an interpretation of Hegel’s critique of Kant in the vein of the recently so-called “revised metaphysical reading” of Hegel. I will try to show indeed that Hegel neither remains within the ...
Hegel y la disolución de la tradición de la ley natural : el apogeo del gnosticismo modernoHegel and the dissolution of the natural law's tradition : the height of modern gnosticism
(EDUCAUniversidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Derecho, 2015)
Resumen: En el presente trabajo, el autor expone la disolución teórica de la doctrina tradicional sobre la ley natural y su expulsión, incluso semántica, de la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel. Para ello, se expone una ...