Now showing items 1-10 of 62
“Virtual” education in confinement: An iceberg to study
(Academia Nacional de Medicina venezolana., 2022)
(IIES / FACES / UCV, 2022)
(IIES / FACES / UCV, 2022)
MOOCs in Research Methodology for Universities in Ecuador
(Universidad César VallejoPE, 2023)
It is imperative that universities incorporate ICT in their teaching and learning processes because now more than ever it is a fact that we live in the "Age of the information and interaction society", where information ...
Resignification and innovation of labor management in the face of new worldwide scenariosResignificación e innovación de la gestión laboral ante los nuevos escenarios mundialesResignification et innovation de la gestion du travail face aux nouveaux scénarios mondiaux
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2022)
(IIES / FACES / UCV, 2022)
A Comparative Study of Loneliness in Older Adults Based on Place of Residence in Indonesia
(Academia Nacional de Medicina venezolana., 2022)
COVID-19: Individual freedom and herd culture
(Academia Nacional de Medicina venezolana., 2022)
Impact and challenges faced by basic and university education in Latin America and Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Universidad César VallejoPE, 2023)
Introducción. Frente a la pandemia de COVID-19, los sistemas educativos el 2020 suspendieron
las clases presenciales. Objetivo. El presente artículo de revisión realiza un análisis del estado
actual de las investigaciones ...