Now showing items 1-10 of 44
Diseño e implementación de un software para la detección de fallos en los sistemas electrónicos del vehículo, aplicando la técnica de diagnóstico por imagen
Design of a software for find failures in the electronic systems of the vehicle applying the technics of diagnostic by image, obtaining and analysis of V-I curve traces in different sensors, actuators, internal circuits ...
Diseño, construcción e implementación de un sistema de monitoreo de temperatura del funcionamiento de frenos y velocidad del vehículo aplicado a autobuses interprovinciales
The temperature monitoring system, from operation of the brakes and vehicle speed; applied to interprovincial buses, this system contributes efficiently in reducing traffic accidents that produced on the roads. The system ...
Determinación de los parámetros de funcionamiento del sistema de gestión electrónica del motor YAMAHA FRZ600cc para la competencia Formula SAE
In this paper we analyze and determine the operating parameters of the electronic management system reprogrammable Haltech, installed the engine Yamaha FZR 600 is coupled on the Bosco 1.0 car, prepared for international ...
Caracterización de los sistemas del vehículo eléctrico Kia Soul EV.
This project aims to generate a characterization of the electric vehicle systems Kia Soul to create a teaching technology, components and elements that comprise it. In order to develop a specific learning with respect to ...
Diseño, construcción e implementación de un sistema de control electrónico para optimizar el sistema de dirección hidráulica del vehículo Honda CRV del año 1998
Operation of the steering system, electronic control design for power steering command, construction and implementation of the control system in the vehicle, analysis of system efficiency and cost-benefit analysis implemented ...
Automatización de los mandos del sistema eléctrico presentes en la carrocería del vehículo Hyundai Getz 1.6 año 2007
With regard to the first chapter of the thesis includes an explanation and description of the electrical system that owns the vehicle originally before the implementation of automation systems, in which it is described in ...
Diseño, construcción e implementación de un control electrónico para el comando del sistema de inyección mono-punto en un vehículo Suzuki Forsa
Through the thesis project is done directly reduce emissions, in the same way to reduce fuel consumption; this process is given by electronic control of fuel metering for different engine operating regimes. Also there was ...