dc.creatorLópez, Luis Carlos
dc.creatorBotero, Marcela
dc.creatorPino, Jaime
dc.creatorRamírez, Jorge Hernán
dc.creatorPalacios, Mauricio
dc.description.abstractAdverse drug reactions (ADRs) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality among hospitalized patients. Objectives: This study was designed to describe the frequency, severity, and causality of ADRs in internal medicine units at a third-level university hospital. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was performed at internal medicine units, by means of a structured format, review of clinical records, and interview of hospitalized patients. The Naranjo algorithm was applied to patient adverse events to define causality. Additionally, ADRs were classified according to the Rawlins and Thompson criteria. Results: One hundred patients (50 men and 50 women) were included in the study. Ninety nine (99) adverse events were found among the patients. The Naranjo algorithm was applied to adverse events, resulting in twenty nine (29) probable ADRs, twenty (20) possible ADRs and fifty (50) doubtful ADRs. Cardiovascular drugs and antibiotics were the most frequent therapeutic groups associated with ADRs. In addition, two preventable medication errors were identified. Conclusions: Frequency of ADRs was similar to the number reported in other studies in internal medicine units. It is necessary to systematize efforts of pharmacological surveillance in hospital wards, toward an opportune detection and prevention of ADRs. © 2010 Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Salud.
dc.publisherUniversidad del Valle
dc.publisherFacultad de Ciencias de la salud
dc.publisherCiencias Básicas Médicas
dc.relationColombia Médica
dc.relationColombia Médica; Vol. 41 No. 1 - 2010
dc.rightsEL AUTOR, expresa que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la elaboró sin quebrantar ni suplantar los derechos de autor de terceros, y de tal forma, la obra es de su exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre éste. PARÁGRAFO: en caso de queja o acción por parte de un tercero referente a los derechos de autor sobre el artículo, folleto o libro en cuestión, EL AUTOR, asumirá la responsabilidad total, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos, la Universidad Icesi actúa como un tercero de buena fe. Esta autorización, permite a la Universidad Icesi, de forma indefinida, para que en los términos establecidos en la Ley 23 de 1982, la Ley 44 de 1993, leyes y jurisprudencia vigente al respecto, haga publicación de este con fines educativos. Toda persona que consulte ya sea la biblioteca o en medio electrónico podrá copiar apartes del texto citando siempre la fuentes, es decir el título del trabajo y el autor.
dc.subjectAdverse drug reactions
dc.subjectPharmacological surveillance
dc.subjectHospitalized patients
dc.subjectBiomedical sciences
dc.subjectReacciones adversas a medicamentos
dc.subjectPacientes hospitalizados
dc.subjectCiencias socio biomédicas
dc.titleAdverse drug reactions in internal medicine units at a university hospital: A descriptive pilot study
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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